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i didnt know i was gay till i saw mitts (is it gay if they now identify as a woman?)

Deleted 135 days ago

thank god

For some reason whenever I try to play the website version of this it keep giving me the same error whenever I try to play it, just informing you on this bug I found when I was trying to play it

Try playing it in a none google chrome browser. For what ever reason the web demo doesnt like being played with chrome. But is fine with other browsers like firefox or even microsoft edge.

Oh, thank you for telling me this!

i am on microsoft edge and it does not work


Thats because Microsoft Edge is basically Chrome, both uses Chromium try Firefox (its better anyways)


So, I recently bought this game after enjoying the demo, and I've been having a really good time! But something just happened to me that I feel strongly enough to kind of leave a warning here, in case it happens to anyone else. Without giving any details, I finished my fourth route a few hours ago. I guess I'd never fully gone through the credits or something, because a little developer message popped up afterwards asking who my favorite character was.

I have this sort of tradition where when I play a multi-route game I'll purposely play the route I'm most excited for last to end on the highest note possible. In this case, that route is Noel, who I was attached to literally the instant I saw their art on the page. And I have interacted with him in other routes so I can confidently say he is my favorite, so I picked him from the options thinking it was harmless.

It wasn't exactly harmless. The developer message started talking a bit about his route development, and then talked about what I'm assuming will be the biggest moment in his route, and I'm kind of crushed that I had experiencing that blind taken from me (though not maliciously of course!) I'm not mad at the devs or anything like that, it's just kind of upsetting. 

TLDR; Be careful with that developer message after the credits and don't pick your favorite character there if you haven't done their route yet!


Thank for letting me! Originally the message only showed up after 6 routes were played but most people seem to play just a few so I figured having the message show up sooner would be better to obtain the bonus gallery images. I'll take this into account for a future update!


oh, you're welcome, thank you for responding! I can definitely see the logic there. If I may make a suggestion, (though I'm not currently a developer and so I don't know how hard this could be to implement, so take it with a grain of salt) but maybe instead of one developer message where you choose one character to learn about, at the end of every route there could be a message specifically about the development of their route? It would definitely be a good idea to still have the gallery images unlockable before all of the routes have been completed though.


dominion may not have a route but he's still my true wife

Deleted 1 year ago

hi! the full game is only playable when downloaded.


I wish it was free because I love your game but can't buy it


what's roadkill's deal with the fourth wall?


they're a little silly


oh my god i love this game. I cant wait to play through the different routes. So far ive got the good ending with Noel and GAHH i love him lmao. Do you have anything against drawing self insert oc x character fanart? Keep up the good work btw! <33


We encourage it!


also spoilers but

ohh rosita and djs routes resonated way too deeply with me!! i used to do roller derby but then the place shut down... and i probably can't do derby now because i've gotten so much less able and its just saddening! i really wish i could've told dj i struggled with similar stuff or that i couldve told rosita i used to do derby!! a guy can dream i guess! it hit me hard!!! hearing dj say they also felt like they were losing the ability to be a normal kid hit me hard!!! and not doing well in school no matter how hard you try because somethings fundamentally "wrong" with you and giving up before you even begin? being told you're not doing well enough after practically working yourself to death?? i relate so hard i'd do anything for your characters

hey, no matter how hard i try i can't seem to delete the saves through the files? i don't want to use the reset button as i wanted to test things with a different name then copy my save file back into the folder. i am really desperate to see how DJ reacts to the name rudy please help /lh


Unfortunately, the game isn't built around that so the only way to see what Roadkill says would be to reset the game. it's not worth it as all they after say: 

"That’s my life motto. Right next to “Never trust a bitch named Rudy”. is "So you’re on thin fucking ice, Rudy 2, and you ESPECIALLY better not leave my ass locked at the community pool." The player named Rudy is confused but shrugs it off and the route continues as usual from there.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

ah, ok, i see. also LMAOO now i wanna draw fanart of DJ locked in the community pool... contained.... DJ lore no way. 

(mild dj route spoilers??)

and here's what i think: how DID DJ survive that? well, they must actually BE funny skeleton man as they joke in that one line of dialogue. game theory true. no way.. /j


What is a CG and why do I want to collect over 40 of them?


CG stands for Computer Graphics and refers to images like this that show up occasionally!


Thank you for clarifying. I didn't know what that meant, so it seems to me there's jargon being used in this community that creates a barrier for entry. I hope that's considered in future marketing materials.


I'll have to politely disagree. The term is easily googable lingo (i even gave what it meant when asked) and not knowing the term doesn't... Take away from the experience of the game itself? Its a common term used within VN communities at that.



(1 edit) (+1)

Ramón’s route was probably the most emotional I’ve been playing a VN.

I love him! He’s perfect!


I’m not great at art but I love this game so why not make fanart

awww! Cute!!

(2 edits) (+2)

 Played the html version and it’s so damn fantastic. Already got all the endings. Very impressive visual novel. Very highly recommended. Also Happy Pride Month


POV: You can't decide which one you wanna rizz up-

me either




Yippie!!! New hyperfixation!!!

Accurate footage of me, trying to get the bad endings for the gallery

Would you ever consider making character AI for the characters so people can have interactions outside the game's plot/storyline? If not, would you be willing to let fans create their own? 

How can I launch the game in linux? All I see is .exe files.

double click the exe file called "Repurpose" ! 

Linux doesn't support .exe, though.

ah! I didn't know that. I'm not sure then as I don't own a linux, sorry. ^^: I just rely on renpy to have it  work for linux when creating builds as it says it does.

I can try to help you make it work hmm, is there a discord?


I absolutely love this game! i rate it 9.9/10 <3 the missing 0.1 is mainly just because of that part in noel’s route where my character is explaining the appeal of sex and as an ace person myself, I was getting hella confused trying to understand but it was kina funny ngl.. I was like “wait what? how is sex like cake? cake is delicious, sex isn’t?? and what does cake got to do with adding tits to a leaf?” confused confusion intensifies I would love if there was a way for our own character to be ace but its perfectly fine without that option.

I swear if I were to be in the game world I’d definitely go for Noel to date because we’d both be wholesome asexual beans together > ~ < also I absolutely love how adorable Ramon (I’m on laptop so I cant spell his name correctly) is with Ariel ^~^ Kalei is so cute, I want to give him hugs and make him flower crowns that he can wear on different days :p


i've been trying to delete my save files on mac, but i may be dumb, because i can't find the saves in the game's folder. do i have to look for a specific folder name? because i don't see any 'saves' or 'save files' or anything like that anywhere.


i didn't know you can only attempt to kill Hordes once and kinda locked myself out of DJ's bad ending.


there should be a folder called "saves" within the game folder. Though to undo what you did you would  also have to reset the game entirely as one of the gimmicks for Repurpose is certain actions in routes having permanent consequences! I'm working on a future patch for the game along with some other fixes and additions that will allow the player's  character to attempt that certain action up 3 times before it's taken away


i'm not good with computers and game files and stuff, so i'll just wait for the patch to get DJ's bad ending. thank you for your reply! your game's super cool!


I did not expect this game to be as amazing as it is.

I can't get it to run in browser ; - ; It'll let me pick my name and gender, but freezes once it gets to the starting screen. Is there a fix for this or am I just screwed? (using chrome btw, in case that matters)

yeah the game's demo doesn't run in chrome! try using firefox or dowloading it

ah! will do~ thanks for the help ♡


Why couldn’t I kiss that mommy 😭

that‘s because she had a job to have a new life。


I’m talking about Fabyael dumbass

she will be romanceable in the future for our game's part 2 update!


I wish i could play but the game is not starting it has started for many people in ,y life but not me and its so annoying and i dont know how to start it

(1 edit) (+2)

I love this so much<33 it'd be cool if at the end we could find out what {if you chose demon/angel} kind of angel/demon we are based on our decisions! or make another small quiz somewhere! :] besides that,  1000/10  highly recommend I'm still doing all of their stories! 

EDIT: I really can't express how happy  I am with this, been having a rough week as a teenager and all but this really made me happy, even after playing the game all all happy and giddy so thank you a lot to the creator(s) and I look forward to what else they have in the future!!

hey, if i choose one of the nonbinary options am i still allowed to date characters with gender preferences?

if your nonbinary Rosita will date you however Irene will not since she's straight and only attracted to men!

ok cool thanks! might download it again to change the gender and try irenes route sometime, noel's was great!!! i love him


Noel <3 <3 <3

just finished his good route and i agree so much omg

dudde can you romance mitts

(1 edit) (+6)

I can't remember if I left a review saying the same thing on the demo, but even if I did, I'm gonna say it again: it made my face light up when I saw bigender as an option for the player character. It feels like I never get an option to be myself in games, even ones with options like this, so it made me really happy!

As I said, I played the demo, and was very intrigued by the concept and was super excited to see it in full! Disclaimer that I've only played the Limbo routes so far (read: DJ and Noelle), but I LOOOVED both DJ and Noel's writing, as well as their banter with each other. DJ is one of the very few activist characters I've ever seen that actually reads as sincere, rather than a parody. And Noel is EXACTLY my type of character. Fallen angel genderfluid with anger issues? PEAK mecore. Thank you. I will GRACIOUSLY eat my meal.


I try not to talk too much about representation in game reviews when part of the game's main appeal is the LGBT+ aspect (it seems redundant a lot of the time), but DJ also mentioning that they're intersex made my face light up. Also, I took a look at the Kickstarter to see who was 'romanceable' (Noel said he was ace, which isn't the same as aro, but even a lot of LGBT+ games act like it is, so), and I made an involuntary happy squeak when I saw that one of the romanceable characters is also bigender like me!! I can't wait to check out their route!!

This isn't helpful to the review but I had a Physical Reaction to DJ suggesting dressing Noel up as a mid-2000s emo kid. As someone super interested in scene culture, again, I will graciously eat my meal AND probably make fanart.

I liked that DJ's route ends with a throuple situation. It felt like I and the both of them were a trio of sorts throughout the game. It felt a little bit wrong to get with only Noel for his route. Plus, DJ and Noel definitely had chemistry of their own. A polyamorous situation is the perfect ending!

EDIT: Came back to specifically edit for Rosita's route and holy moly, dude. Only once in my life have I seen this sort of story attempted to be told; about the type of people who, even when they 'try their hardest', can't become any more than average. It's not a matter of lack of trying, it's them. It's them that the issue is with them... But that that's okay, too. Rosita's storyline resonated so deeply with me, as someone with a mental disability. Especially with the way that she handles what she percieves as a mental disability in Hordes. The team did an amazing job, and this story made me feel so seen!

Speaking of Hordes though… I have but one major complaint about the storytelling, and that is that, despite multiple people pointing out that Hordes is very clearly not mentally well, nothing is done in any of the routes about it... Or at least, not directly. The closest that I can think of is the ending where he's brought down into Hell by Faye, but even then, it's never explicitly stated that he's going to get mental help, even though it's established in Ramon's route that therapy does exist in Hell.

And I'm not asking for a Hordes redemption. I respect that the message of his character, and especially Rosita's route, is that he's not redeemable! I do! I just think it would be cool to have, like, a route or two where it's mentioned that he'll go to therapy, and maaaybe get on some meds? Even after playing Rosita's route, I still can't help but feel bad for him, because I know that he's not getting the mental help that he needs... Especially since it's not mentioned in Rosita's route alone that he's unwell! It's brought up in multiple routes, so it feels odd to just leave that idea hanging?

Maybe this will be addressed in part 2, but, I feel like it would make for a more satisfactory end for him to be able to get help, even if it doesn't make him a better person. I guess I just don't like other people's mental suffering, even that of capitalistic bastards.


My main criticism of the game was the way that Kalei's accent was written out with his dialogue. It's more difficult for me and many others to read dialogue when it's done like this, and breaks immersion, as well. I haven't gone on any Heaven routes yet, but I can't imagine I'll like having to endure that more. Although, the emphasis on his accent seemed to lessen as the game went on, so hopefully, that's consistent.

I've only played through the Limbo routes so far... But I'm so excited to get the rest of them, as well! It's so sublime, and I am incredibly grateful for all of the hard work everyone put in!

If the devs see this, I have a question: were any of the characters written to have any sort of disorder? And if not, can I see them that way anyway? I personally got HUGE BPD vibes from Noel (which for the record is a compliment, as I also have BPD) so I was wondering!


Oh and I can't word HOW HAPPY AND GRATEFUL I am that you released an art pack, it makes it much easier for me to draw these AMAZING characters!!!!!


How do you romance Faye?? Or is that not in yet?

will this game ever be released on steam?

Will there be a part of this game where you end up getting to be a demon or angel and getting to know which you end up as?


Their is sadly not! You are human for the most part.


Bummer, I wanted to see what I would end up as after hooking up Ramon

was this game ever free?? or is it not bc i rememeber it being free

only the demo is free

(2 edits) (-2)

How do you not kill Ramón?? I tried and picked options that got Ramón points but he still died.... Is it only available in downloaded version?

Edit: I just tried to get Noel's good ending, I died.

Edit 2: I just realized it probably is only available to romance characters if you buy it :') wish i had money, <3 <3 <3 this game :)))

Is Ramon story completed or ongoing?

its done!

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