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i need to know if noel is canonically autistic cause i see a lot of myself in him! these autistics sure can code /ref

(5 edits)

the game hits an error in chapter 3 of faye’s route if doing a platonic route

i remedied this by opening “game\FayeRouteCh3.rpy” & replacing “elif <=7” on line 915 with “elif flove <=7


i've been recommending the hell (heh) out of this game and waiting patiently-but-fervently for the next bit


I really love this game and its artstyle with the story for each and every character! :) I like how its diverse between the genders and sexuality which I dont find often in dating sims :D!! Ive also never seen an ace character in one as well so it was cool to see Noel! I remember playing the demo and it was great! I love the improvement from the demo to the full game <333

okay, So first of all, I love the game so very much! My favorite has to be Noel and Rosita. Anyway, I have been following the walkthroughs cause I want all the endings and CGs (the art is just aaa-) but I have been trying so long to get Faye's neutral ending and would love help, please! The walkthrough had been helpful but I'm still not getting her ending!!


I dont like "playing" visual novels because you just read, a lot. If I wanted to read I would pick up book. I also dislike dating sims cuz, well, its just not my thing. 

However, since I bought this from a bundle, I decided to at least try it instead of ignoring it. And its awesome. 

  • It has lore, like, actual lore that is important: you could very well create any kind of work covering Noel's hundreds of years protecting the people in the limbo, just to give you any idea how much potential this game has. 
  • The characters act like real people: its not like their entire personality is focused on their sexuality and gender, its just a part of them (unlike most of Netflix's works).
  • It has a good sense of humor to defuse serious moments: yeah, the villain has a big robot that could kill me (again), but at the same time the robot has NTR written on the forehead. 
  • The dev (or devs) actually told a good story with some romance here and there that feels normal, instead of making a cheap dating sim where the romance options rotate around you without care for the world.

And I only have experienced one route, and partially. 

Also, Mitts can create for herself a robotic hand, and I love robots. 


don’t know who more cringe is the game or his fans who clearly are under the age of 10.


the fan base dose more DMG then his haters how ironic


im 27

Deleted 19 days ago

i think it’s funny that the LGBT spends more time being triggered on my comments then spending money on you game you try to pander for theme.


This game has earned more money than your shitty pngs, kiddo. Funny how you haven't even played this game yet you're spending all your time here. 

Smooth brained bonobo.


he don’t need to spend 10 bugs for a lame game when he can interact with NPCs for free


"10 bugs"



yeah, you can’t affront it you are a broke




(1 edit) (-9)

you the OP in smooth brained tacking if you don’t like someone just keep harassing him and force him to buy a product he doesn’t like and you still insult him over his stuff because God forbit privacy right woke losers like you are always the biggest cowered hope karma destroy you all and we can finally be free the human race from your cringe you even take seriously


Sure, buddy. Whatever you tried to say.


“Sure, buddy. Whatever you tried to say.”


That sure is what I typed. Congratulations.


Found out in my 300th playthrough (my save file got lost, okay? Need to be ready when part 3 releases) that you could use a controller for this game, and now it's 100x better. 

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

when can chromeos be supported on games


thank you for putting this in the bundle to fundraise for Palestine <33


i am not immune to pale tsunderes


Amazing game, I mean it. It's pretty rare to find a visual novel that has both LORE and great characters <3 I enjoyed every second! 

Is this game fully voiced?


mostly! in the cutscenes, they are!


I absolutely adored this VN! Really enjoyed the characters :3 


It seems that the linux version is missing the .sh file.

(2 edits) (+6)

I've never actually played one of these types of games before, a dating game, and I wanted some advice.

So, bit of context, I'm a straight (more just attracted to afab but I just generally chalk it up to straight for ease) cis dude.  Now, I'm more than capable of playing other characters who have other attractions than me and other gender identities from me. Looking at Rosita, I see she's only lesbian, and it got me thinking.

I was wondering if I should make a female character so that I'm not locked out of any romance routes at all (since everyone else is bi or pan or otherwise), or if it would be recommended I just play as if the character is myself?

Edit: Really quick just adding. I'm excited to play this game, I'm just hoping to play it in a way that will give the best first experience!


Honestly play however you think you would get the best experience! Self-inserting is the design but people absolutely make OCs to go through routes with all the time. Plus even if she isn't romancable if you play as yourself, you can be her BFF! And you can have a more than happy relationship with someone as just friends!

So by all means play your preferred way ^_^

(1 edit) (+5)

Alrighty 07

Think I'll go as a self-insert just see where I'd end up and who with. I did run through the whole orientation thing too by the way, and the characters all seem like amazing fun!

I did figure I could be her friend though at least, wouldn't be far from reality. I'm the token straight cis dude for a few friend groups of mine haha. And I guess in this case it leaves some room open for future runs to see everything!

Thanks for the advice by the way, I appreciate it!


I love these games. I do promote your game. I hope you decide to put it on Steam too, please.


It is on steam! :D


Sorry to ask this, but is there a way to save file edit? (yes this is about the guilt thing in one of the routes, I wanna know if you could potentionally get the cgs for all endings while also not being stuck with the -2 to the relationship) 

Thank you so much!


You can lead a revolution on a giant rat (who makes all of the rules) and get into a polyamorous relationship in the same route, highly recommend it.

This was only my first route as well, I'm hyped


It is mildly annoying that seen text so you can skip it isn't transferred alongside loading saves, so it's more favorable to start an entirely new game instead of loading a previous save for another route, but else I don't have any issues yet

how do u get into the poly route!! 👀👀


The poly route is DJ Roadkill's route, like you can't do their route without ending up in a polycule (unless you get the bad ending where you dont even date but djrk's route's endings that aren't the good ending (quite easy to do btw) will come to bite you in the ass if you havent done the part 2 routes.

Noel's also at least hints at it, but DJRK's is very in your face luckily

OH HUH! i did the dj roadkill route and didn't pick up on that!! wow that rules!!!! :') 


just wanted to say thank you for this game (characters, stories, vibes... love me some rainbow hopepunk). part 3 will be welcomed with opened arms when it's ready  :)


ugh never mind xd not my type of game. but okay artwork thaw i am not into “ woke culture “.


r u straight


duuu yes i am straight what’s the problem.


no fuckin wonder :D




Woke culture isnt real; people just exist ya numpty

Deleted 89 days ago

you guys’ insulting me won’t make me check out or even buy the game.

nice marketing insulting the ppl who even try to give a fair criticism.

mark my words one day woke culture will die out and you will regret making post like this.


You haven't given "fair criticism" because you haven't even played the game you worthless knuckle dragger.

"Woke culture" isn't real and can't "die out", the only thing that will die out are the unenvolved bonobos like you who can't think outside of whatever your drop-out, bumpkin parents told you.

Maybe you ought to learn how to spell before you begin your career as a whiny turd.


dude you can’t even talk like a normal person i don’t think that anyone who has a brain shout take any advice from ppl like you.

and news flash everything dies out you don’t see hippies playing disco music in 2024 don’t we

and we don’t see ppl using software from the early 2000s don’t we. let along use windows 7 or xp

and no i won’t spend money on a product who i am not the target off if you want to play woke games fine but is not my cup of tea. you guys forcing ppl to like you crap its freaking bad marketing and aw boy i will enjoy when it blows up in your face with the same tactics your poor, poor cry baby’s use. now if you excuse me i have batter thinks to do with my life then dealing with fake victim hood like you little cults.


Holy shit

"brain shout take any advice"

"disco music in 2024 don’t we"

"i am not the target off"

"forcing ppl to like you crap its freaking bad"

"tactics your poor, poor cry baby’s use"

"i have batter thinks to do"

"fake victim hood like you little cults."

Little dude is all the proof you need that people who cry about "woke" things are actually the dumbest chimps imaginable.


I need part 3 so bad!


OMG I PLAYED THROUGH TO CHERI'S ROUTE AND OMG??? I NEED MORE I LOVE THIS GAME! Is part 3 coming out 2025? I haven't seen anything about a release date, no rush! Just curious and excited to play more :)


that was absolutely charming omg


every fucking time, there's a pretty girl in a game and I'm like "aw she's cute I'll romance her" AND THEN THE FUCKING BROKEN LIL ANGRY TWINK COMES IN WITH A SOFT LITTLE VOICE AND  EVERY TIME MAN 


noel is so fucking cute dammit

stop making me fall for the same freaking character type I have a problem 


fr tho, I started cackling the moment I heard Noel's voice! He's so good and I just met him


Good game. I haven't 100% done everything yet, but I did what I wanted, and was mostly satisfied with it. I don't got any notes, so any thoughts are off the top of my head.

As what is pretty much a newbie to the genre despite playing a few of them before, I had a wonderful time playing through this game to its many endings that I wanted to get. This is the kind of dating sim I can get behind~

The characters (despite me turning voice off all the way as soon as I heard they had voices) felt real in what dialogue I internalized, which lead to the good and bad moments getting to me more. I noticed how much I was laughing, getting flustered, and having my nerves shake me to my core. The queer experience is very much realized, as the characters aren't afraid to talk about their experiences with it, which, considering that real people wrote those, makes me feel like I'm not alone in the specific hardships I, and many people experience. Repurpose is the kind of game that will have you care about what happens, so much so that I would make a save at any choice I didn't feel confident in, so that the digital words on my screen wouldn't get mad at me.

The ability to choose your pronouns and gender, and have them actually matter is wonderful to see, as someone who doesn't often fit into the options most games have. Yes, I do get gender envy from cherry, this game knows me too well.

That isn't to say this game isn't without faults, though. I do actually remember a few of the problems I have with the game, but they're actually pretty minor.

First up: on my first playthrough, I did what I myself would've done given the choices offered to me, and ended up with a neutral ending. I didn't know this, since the little "NAME - X ending" thing that pops up is as tiny as the chapter thing in the same place, and doesn't stay long. Guess who had to replay that sequence to progress? Me! Thank cherry for the skip button.

Secondly: with the specific ending I got on my first playthrough (Kalei neutral), I was genuinely surprised when the credits started rolling. It didn't expect it to just... end like that. After playing through the other stuff, it kinda felt like a minor stepping stone to the "good stuff". Minor, but still something that rubbed me the wrong way for a bit.

Third: to anyone who wants to play this and get multiple endings: please don't make a save at a crucial moment that decides what path you will take. This is a dating sim, so it should be obvious when choices like that occur. If you do, then as far as I know, that ending either won't count if you do another on the same save, or you won't get the proper prompts if something new has shown. I don't know how this game works, so don't get on my case about this if you're reading, Eros, but this little issue made me replay three whole endings just to make them count, so be warned.

Fourth, and the most minor: I wanted to take one of the CGs for my own purposes (discord pfp lol), but uhhh. Finding them in the files was not possible for me, so now my little screenshot has an "activate windows" in the corner. If it were possible, I'd love if all the CGs were accessible easily in the files, especially considering that they absolutely exist somewhere, seeing as the "images.rpy" has what seems to be file paths in it. Not too big an issue, though, so don't fret over pleasing specifically me for this. (Also this is kinda me asking permission to use those cherry CGs as my discord pfp, teehee). Disclaimer: I used the release download for this, as I didn't know it was on steam before I got it. Maybe that changes some files around.

Fifth, and certainly not least: as a card game nerd, I can't help but feel ashamed that my character would be so disgusted by the thought of touching a playing card. It's only kinda justified when I realize that the only game people play in the afterlife is Essence. I'm more of a "King of Games" enjoyer, myself.

All in all, I think Repurpose is a good game to try out, and currently goes for the equivalent of, say, 2 cents Canadian if you buy the bundle going on right now. I'm excited to see what more the developers have in store for the game, and I hope any new enjoyers can feel the same.

As a final rating, I'd give it a "Save to make sure I choose the right path so this attractive angel will like me" out of ten.


Okay..... What exactly is the Michaelmode? Written on Faye and cher walk through.


it's when you play as the game curator's own MC, Michael! You unlock this when you enter the name "Michael" and for gender "nonbinary". It gives a little extra dialogue that's unique to that character.


just started the game, my biggest issue with it is that (at least at the beginning) the bgm is very sparse if nonexistent for very long periods of time. that with the combo of mostly quiet dialogue makes it a little hard for me to stay focused and immersed. i don't know if this is something the devs would consider or if the game is still being supported, but even a loop of the bg music i heard for... maybe a minute, near where ramon and kalei were talking, would be welcome.

besides that, a nitpick, kalei has somewhat inconsistent spelling of his pronunciation of thorn, at times it is stylized as "de, dat" and similar, and in others it is "the, that" and such. coming from a language where th/d/t are often equalized by its speakers, it is a little distracting, but not a big deal overall, just something i found interesting.

i think i'll try finding some music of my own to put in the bg until it becomes more consistent. to the devs: great work, and i wish you luck with current and future projects


wonderful game !! <3


that feel when a guy makes a game where every single thing in it would get the creator executed in the country he supports over the country that wouldn't kill him


shut up omg. israel wouldnt support us either. its not about whether or not palestine is lgbt accepting: its about the fact thousands of people are being killed. a whole ass genocide is happening. you dont need to be accepted by people to support the fact they deserve to live. not to mention theres lgbt people in palestine too; but thats not what important. whats important is stopping the genocide and sending relief/help to the people

(1 edit) (+2)(-28)

can't remember the last time Israel threw gay people off roofs. or dragged them behind motorbikes until they died. or punished being gay with ten years imprisonment, or stole relief funds and water pipes to make missiles. all things Palestine has done. Palestine also doesn't have gay nightclubs or pride parades, Israel does.

If a culture actively tries to kill me, my family, and my friends, then that culture deserves to disappear, whether the followers of that savage culture learn to abandon it or are destroyed is up to them, just as its up to you to let wolfs into your sheep den because you think the shepherds are too harsh.


cant remember when israel killed gay people? guess the fuck what! theyre doing it NOW. There are queer palestians; there are queer people everywhere. THOSE queer people are being slaughtered by Israel, you fucking bootlicker. It's not the culture that is the problem- there is no inherently "savage" culture. You're just a racist bigot

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

Just say you're a racist POS who thinks that little innocent babies deserve to die and move on. Israel is acting like n@zis 2.0.


What an actually shit individual you are.


"Note: Steam key not included in Palestinian Relief Bundle" 

BUT WHY. I'm gutted.


Yeah, scamazed...


Based God

What age rating would you give your game? 16+?


Its technically i believe a 16+ but I prefer if only 18 and up players play

Ah, okay! Thanks!


Punching down, I see.


I've had a bit of a problem with Noel's routes. So, I did a reset of the game I'd already had where I completed almost everyone's good neutral and bad endings, and I'm trying to get that progress again. However, whenever I go through Noel's route, I can only get neutral or good. I will choose every option that either gives me no points or makes me lose points, but it will still send me to the neutral route. I'm just a bit confused since I know I've reached Noel's bad ending before I reset. 


Omg this game is so good, made me realize how gay I am lol


this game is amazing! is there any plans for a part 3?


yep! currently working on it! no release date yet tho

how do i can reset the game? i keep trying since i want to change my character's name but i don't find a way 

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