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(2 edits)

It keeps freezing and then I have to reload :( Edit: it keeps freezing at the same part of the game :( Edit 2: Just realized there was voice acting... AWESOME!

If you're plaging the demo on chrome it eventually freezes due to a bug in chrome itself. Best to play the demo in another browser or to download it!

Ok thank you


Really didn't expect to enjoy the game as much as I did. Had a great time. Can't wait for Part 2.

Fav character by far is DJ Roadkill. When they said they had a, and I quote, "sweet bussy" it was then I was immediately won over.


Dj's sweet bussy wins another one!

What the fu-


Noel is so find i wont him


bad day to be poor


How do you change your gender/name?


You'll have to do a full reset of the game to do that. While not recommended you can find out how to do that in the Questions and Answers section on the page.

Got it, thank you :)

I want this game so mucccchhhh

When i try to open the  "extras" is crashes the game


is there a romance route for noel? i keep getting best friend


There is, there's a google doc for all endings but it also has a link to a guide just for Noel The Noel guide link is in the red box next to his sprite


i'm broke rn but def buying it when i get some money!


Do you're telling me you would buy this other than Minecraft? Man and I thought I was dumb

i already have minecraft...but okay.


aw crap you countered my roast

Will this game be available on steam? 


At a later date (yet to be decided) 


Not to make it obvious that I'm mentally ill here, but aside from having a few favorites in the main cast (literally can't even choose rn they're so good), I weirdly love Hordes??? He's insane and seems like an asshole yes but he's kinda scrunkly. Sqiumby even.

can you romance kalei. please.

you can!

thank you. :3


I love this game fun and amazing!... but just wondering if you might come out with some DLC content to get maybe some after the math content... I just loved the characters so much!

We will! Future DLC (known as Part 2) will have Faye and Cherubim's story playable with a "final" chapter to wrap up the story.


I bought the game yesterday and I am so glad I did. Had been waiting for the right moment to do so and had a blast playing all the masculine-aligned routes. (I'm gay) 

My only complaint was how lackluster Kalei's ending was but enjoyed it nonetheless.

Can't wait to see the future of this game!


I've been seeing the development of the game for a few months now and I was always so amused by it, I had such high expectations and they all were not only fullfilled but overcome!(english isn't my first language my use of overcome might've been wrong here)

I've played almost all routes so far, I just need to finish Irene's. I've gotten all the endings and I am SO amused by the writing, all the characters made me fall for them(platonically or romantically) and were so relatable often times i got myself forgetting they weren't real. The voice acting and the art are also amazing and the pictures of the special moments and endings just show so many feelings it is so amazing to see♡

I can't even say which route I loved most, they all from the most chill(read as in: not full of action and danger, like Kalei's and Ramón's) to the most full of action, were just as breathtaking and entertaining. I ended up crying more than a couple times, from happiness, sadness, love, buttersweetness and simple conection.

This game means a lot to me and I am so happy i bought it. I am also very happy with the representativity, I am a latino romani transmasc gay man and it is really heartwarming to see all of the representation mostly properly done(I can't talk about things i don't experience but from the minorities thst regard my own I think the representation was spotless). I only think we should be allowed to have platonic good endings for every character, like Rosita's when you're playing with a male character(I say that because I am not attracted to woman and unfortunately the Mitts good ending didn't take account the fact I am not multisexual, and just because the character is, it ended up romantically, so I think an option of sexuality would be nice for the homo players!)

Besides that I will gladly wait for the release of part two and get ready to fall so hard(harder than I've already fallen for them) for Cherubim. Thank you, Eros, for this amazing game♡


I've been a fan of this game since 2020, eagerly anticipating the PT1 release, and I've never been happier to be able to finally play it. I always thought the premise was fantastic, and I adored the game's inclusivity, which made it extremely special to me. I've been planning to do some fan-arts and fan-vids for a while now, but I haven't been able to do so since I couldn't acquire a clear reference of the characters because not much is properly/fully posted. I tried to get my hands on the sprites but couldn't locate anything no matter where I looked; is there a reason for this? If so, is there anywhere else where I could possibly get references of the characters?


Hello! I would like to preface that I only completed the demo so I am unsure on if this is a very real plot-point in Kalei's story but I would like to share a concern I have of him. 

First of all I would like to say that the other routes were very fun, the character's designs are cute (though I have preference towards DJ Roadkill) and I do enjoy the worldbuilding you have done to take the concept of 'Heaven and Hell' to fit an idealization, albeit still with their own problems and issues. 

Onto my issue with Kalei, I would like to first say that half of my family been born and raised (and even more have lived) in Hawaii. And to be a bit blunt, his script is inaccurate at best. Now that being said I do not call for complete accuracy. I understand that Hawaiian Pidgin is a hard language to write and even harder to read, so I get that it likely would never be 100% accurate. But his portrayal is so watered down and in some instances (can't remember exactly) plain wrong it doesn't feel Hawaiian. It feels like the middle ground between tourist Hawaiian and real Hawaiian, and no one talks like that.  

Please next time you create a Hawaiian character that exclusively speaks Hawaiian Pidgin, do more research on basic slang and grammar. And maybe get a VA that knows Hawaiian Pidgin (I love the VA's range don't get me wrong but the accent was unfortunately very inaccurate.) For ideas if you ever decide to do a DLC for the game, I would have loved in the demo to see more slang beyond "Aloha cousins" and maybe even adding more words/slang to his vocabulary that's nonexistent in current Hawaiian Pidgin since he's going to be around more that can't speak English! 

This is just my thoughts though, please don't feel defeated by this. You and your team worked hard on this game and you all should be proud of the final product! Just please keep this in mind next time you create characters like him, it'll make the game go from a silver to gold in no time. :) 


So I can't add anything regarding the Hawaiian part but on the devs Tumblr (@residentialrabbit)  they did mention that Kalei was mixed Hawaiian and Jamaican so that's probably why the accent was off. Not that I can attest for the accuracy of the Jamaican accent though, I just thought I'd add this for clarification. 

Oh I see! I had no idea, but that makes much more sense for the accent. Ty for the clarification :)


Hello! I'm not sure if I ever ended up writing a comment here but, I've been following the progress of Repurpose since sometime near the first initial release of the demo. 

I found Repurpose entirely by chance and didn't even know much about visual novels at the time, I didn't even know that existed nor did I have an account! Repurpose was one of the first visual novels I played through, and played a part in making me find my love for visual novels. Repurpose has also been a constant inspiration for me over these past few years as I eagerly watched it grow. It even made me rediscover my love for writing! I hold this visual novel so close to my heart and I am so excited to see it grow even more. So thank you for taking the time to create this beautiful work of art.

I've played through only a few routes so far (Noel's, Dj Roadkill's, and Kalei's) and they are so well done! I love how the story is unfolding right now and AAAA I'm so excited for part 2, I am eagerly waiting! I love them all so much and plan to play through all the routes when I have more free time.

On another note, I have a few questions as I am a very curious person! Feel free to answer them or not, also I am not sure if these have been asked already.  (1) Do you have an estimated amount of words and gameplay time for the complete version of Repurpose? (2) How many words were in part 1? (3) What inspired you to create Repurpose?

That is all, hope you have a good day!



Hey Hey,

I have played through a few times and have loved every moment. I (of course) played through Noel's route first. So much angst and sweetness! Some of those moments had me on edge! I just finished Ramón's route. I was a little nervous to play his because he seemed like a very sexual demon, and I'm ace. But I absolutely loved it! I liked the different views the mc gets of him and the various choices that allow the player to avoid sexual stuff if they want!! 10/10 Such a great game! Worth the wait!

I'm Ace too and I know what you are talking about XD

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago




I noticed I didnt have all the CGs even though I got all of the good endings. Do I have to play through the bad endings to unlock them? Asking because I DO NOT WANT TO HURT THEM IF I DONT HAVE TO MY HEART WILL LITERALLY SHATTER. 



the ones your missing are the bad and neutral endings most likely, yeah!

Thanks so much for playing the game all the way through ~! <3 

(1 edit) (+3)



Update... I didn't have the strength to hurt all of them... BUT I'M COMPLETELY FINE WITH 11 LOCKED CGS IF THAT'S THE CASE!!


I absolutely adore this game! I had a feeling I would with all of the representation and with how much I enjoyed the demo, but I was still blown away. Art-wise, writing-wise, characters and dynamics, all of it! Noel's route was everything I hoped it would be and more. As an nb ace who's physically affectionate with a bleeding heart, major sweet tooth, many nerdy interests (including card games though not to Noel's extent), soft spot for people who are a bit tsun and/or emo (plus a love of Paramore), aaaaand a bonus goofy/teasing sense of humor similar to a certain lovable DJ whose screen-time I loved every second's an understatement to say I was catered to extremely well, haha. I panicked a few times when I thought I made a wrong choice or that the journey was ending too soon, but it turns out I made almost all the right choices somehow? Thanks to back when I played the demo, I knew going in that I would miss the extra point with Noel for not keeping the keys and getting that scene with him, yet I knew there was no world I wouldn't give the keys up to help Mitts. But even without the keys scene I still managed to make enough other right choices to get his romantic end first try while playing blind, and the journey didn't end too soon at all, it wrapped up the story and Noel's character beautifully. I loved every moment of getting to know him better, seeing not only the romance develop but also the natural, genuine, banter-filled friendship between the dream trio of MC, Noel, and DJ, and of course digging into the details and complexity of Limbo, both as it stands and as it comes to be shaped by the three of them. It's the kind of route that I already see myself revisiting lots of times, and what I felt experiencing the voice acting and art in the final two CGs especially will stick with me forever <3

I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I'll save that for when I've had more time to digest the rest of the game and finish the remaining routes I intend to do, but for now with how much I was affected, I really wanted to gush about Noel's route for a bit. I know that I'm certainly not alone in loving him, but for obvious reasons he's become such a special character to me. I will say that if I had to give feedback for something, I would've loved the chance to tell him I'm ace too when he tells us that, and then have a line or two in the other scene where MC doesn't just explain the other side to him but relates to his side as well. It's not needed, because the MC's lines do read neutral enough that they could either be ace too or not, but being able to freely and explicitly be ace in a game is something that is so rare to do, even less so with a character that shares your sexuality and you're romancing. But I know you have your plate full, and again I've already been more than well catered to, this is just more wishful thinking than anything! Still super grateful for all the representation you've so thoughtfully and wonderfully incorporated!

there's a glitch with changing volume of things in the part 1 version (for pc version at least)

What exactly is happening if I may ask?

The volume at the time wasn't changing for me, it took a couple of minutes to do that, at first I just thought it wouldn't at all (when I made the comment) but then it did after a few more minutes. 

hey devs, for some reason my character's name isnt showing up in the game. How do i fix this?


What was the name? May be a font issue if it has special characters and would require a full reset of the game.

The name was Brittany. I think I may have accidentally skipped the name part? My game kept crashing every time i tried to put it at full screen and then it would freeze. I would turn my laptop off and on again and try opening up the game and it did that a few times. Is there a way to reset it so I can enter my name again? 

Heres how you can reset the game!


  • Win+R
  • Enter this: %APPDATA%\RenPy\RepurposeGUI
  • Hit ok and delete RepurposeGUI


  • Enter this: ~Library/RenPy/RepurposeGUI
  • Hit ok and delete RepurposeGUI


  • ~/.renpy/RepurposeGUI
  • delete RepurposeGUI

I have windows and I followed the instructions above. When I entered the %APPDATA%\RenPy\RepurposeGUI i got two options that popped up. I deleted both and tried to play the game but the issue is still the same. When I open the game, I still cannot enter my name and it is still blank. What should I do next?

apologies for the delay! you should also delete everything in the "saves" folder of the actual game as well if you haven't already!

 i bought the game but it still act like im playing the demo?

Apologies! Redownload the game to version 1.013

hi! while playing the new patch, i got this error:

Strange this persisted i thought i got rid of it, hit ignore and the game will continue as normal!

I managed to play a lot of this which is great, but I seem to be running into an issue, I closed it then opened it again to load a save or something, and it only shows me the demo version, what can I do to fix this?

Apologies for the inconvenience! we have a new patch that corrects this issue. Download that or close and reopen the itch app so it does it for you !


so much kalei brainrot


So cute oh my gosh!! kalei with a braid is so cute 🥺


HELLO!!! I JUST WANTED TO PREFACE THIS BY SAYING THAT I HAVE BY NO MEANS FINISHED THE GAME (I BOUGHT THIS LITERALLY 3 HOURS AGO) AND THIS COMMENT WILL CONTAIN HEAVY SPOILERS FOR NOEL'S ROUTE. dont get wrong this game is so far really good and im having tons of fun!!! i just wanted some clarifications about the endings?

actual spoilers: so ive done about 3 endings so far? the one with the cg where theres the house behind him, the one where the cg includes him eating jello with roadkill and the player, and the one where the player chooses to save themselves instead of roadkill (no cg but kalei makes an appearance at the end). SO THE FIRST TWO ENDINGS I MENTIONED ARE BOTH PLATONIC! no romance involved and im just really confused. im assuming the 'good' ending is the one with the jello cg but im rlly hoping that isnt the case because i want romance so baddd HEAGSHAHS its just that literally everything that happened between noel and the mc led me to believe that theyd eventually get together..? maybe im just really dumb and there are things im missing but ITD BE NICE FOR SOME CLARIFICATIONS REGARDING HIS ROUTE :D 


i lied. im so distraught. im feeling the deepest pains in my heart and i cant believe he'd do this to me. im just so full of shock this CANNOT be real i wanted him SO BAD im crying im throwing up im dragging my head across the walls im dying. pleasw clear things up for my sake (/LH IM JUST REALLY!!! woah)


relatable [help kalei and noel brainrot + hyperfixation]


YOURE JUST LIKE ME FR........ girl help i miss noel so much 


Noel's good end is a little tricky compared to the others! It would help your play through a lot if you kept keys at the begining, enouraged the fight, and joined the fight followed up by choosing to take the trails (dont worry this wont actually take toi off Noels path)

HAHAH i actually got it before i saw this :D I didnt think i needed to take the trials, thats really interesting!!! thank you i love his romance ending sm 

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh wow I thought the one where Noel calls you his best friend and the cg where he's eating jello with Roadkill was the only platonic ending, but there's another one??? Damn, but I am CLUELESS on how to get his romance ending too RIP me I'm so distraught. Literally I've tried every combo I can think of that doesn't include the save yourself/let Roadkill die option so I am also stuck.

At this point I'm wondering if it's a platform bug which is why it won't trigger (I play on Mac) or maybe it's like in some other VNs where you have to play the other routes to unlock more choices so we can get Noel's Romance ending. IDK

If there is anyone out there who successfully got Noel's Romance Ending - please help us!!! LOL



what i did was keep the keys, encourage and then join the fight, decide to take the trials, ask about the cards [when he drops the jello and deck], and distract with food!!!

(1 edit) (+3)

Oh, okay unexpected!! I had no idea the keys would affect Noel's ending that (and lol encouraging Noel and Faye to fight? - that's so funny, or maybe do you mean fight Hordes and the TT Guys with Mitts before that?) I will try that thank you!! I went to sleep this morning feeling so sad I couldn't get this ending LOL - YOU are an angel cyno!!  \^_^/


yeah you encourage noel and faye to fight!!! u also get a cute scene with noel bc of it and a cg that i love

Ahhh nice, I'm excited!

Deleted post


(2 edits)

OKAY SO I JUST FINISHED A BUNCH OF ROUTES [kalei, dj, noel, ramon romantic endings and kalei + noel platonic one as well] AND WORDS CANNOT DESCRIIIIBE WHAT I FEEL RN


all in all id have to say kalei's is my favourite, but honestly i love them ALL so if they all can be my favourite im gonna go with that. kalei not getting the implication beneath his words [watersports, the meat line.] was genuinely so amusing and i related to him a bit too much with how he felt with the pressure he had about his job. im really happy that the mc gets to help him realize his worth doesnt come from his statistics. ramons route was WILD LMAO AND I MEAN THAT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE like the boob court???? absolutely ridiculous and i adored it. noels route was. so sweet. genuinely. he cant wrap his head around why the mc and dj would wanna stay after everything but at the same time is so relieved about it??? SHAFGBSHDJNFSD i also loved the little talk mc and noel have about his asexuality while playing the card game. and also the wing-hug cuddles???? and noel canonically preening his feathers??? cmon man my heart

AND DJ. their route was so silly i felt like i was the main characters best friend in a dystopian movie about overthrowing the governmentSFHJKSDF also i love noels and djs dynamic so much???? dj noel mc poly route when/j

all in all i have LOVED this game so much. it was definitely worth the wait and the price!!!! and now i have kalei and noel brainrot this is definitely gonna be a hyperfixation for a while LOL im probably gonna draw fanart im just like. <3

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I work tomorrow but will be playing as soon as I get home! Can't wait!

2 days till the official release, i cant wait 

wow its been q bit since iu didnt play this and its updating so fast really good work!!

also ignore my spelling im a bit tired lolz...

I don't usually comment on games, but wow- I played this game a few months back and was so upset when it ended- but now that it's going to be coming out in 3 days ?! It's amazing! The designs, artwork, plot, it's all incredible. I love it all ! Keep up !

i absolutely cannot wait for the full release!! ive been waiting since august of last year, and i am so excited !! from the demo, i already know its totally worth my money ^^ sending hugs, and remember to stay hydrated <33

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