Loser Name Hana Extended Edition…? Volunteers Wanted

Hi friends!

I've been thinking about putting Loser Named Hana on steam (still for free) for the 1 year anniversary in March but maybe with some additional content so it feels like a “full game”.

The idea is to have 3 hangout days that take place a week from each other and ending the game on Hana's birthday where the Player Character decides if they want to continue being friends with her! 

Overall maybe an hour of gameplay so in the end but a more satisfying experience to hang out with your new friend!

However, I'm pretty burnt out my previous project “Repurpose” to solo the writing, programming, art, voice acting, playtesting etc… So I thought maybe this time around I would try accepting volunteers to assist in completing this?

Idk how I should really go about this. That requires talking to people auauaua! I suppose if you're a renpy programmer, writer, editor, musician, etc, or would be willing to playtest builds you can email residentrabbitbidness@gmail.com or add me on discord ( residentrabbit ) . I can also probably set up a discord for volunteers to meet up and share contributions.

Idk if I ( or we ) can get the full game done by March but I do want to release a steam version of Loser Named Hana for more people to enjoy this weird little lady.

That's all for now. Bye friends!

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My life is yours

omg i would love to see this

sent an email, lets gooo

Omg, yes! That'll be so fun to play through, considering on how Hana actually is... (No offence, I love Hana very much ❤️). And take your time doing so, no need to rush. Rome wasn't built in a day for a reason! Keep it up, you're awesome!!!!


Yes please



(Literally such a cutie, love her.)